About Michelle

Michelle was born in the West Australian wheat belt where she then also spent her younger years. With seaside holidays and a move to Bunbury,  her love for the ocean grew.

Michelle moved to Perth in her teens to study Graphic Design and Fine Arts – and master the skills and techniques. 

Meeting her husband who also shared a love for the ocean and was a keen seafarer enjoying, boating, surfing and diving, they spent every moment they could on weekend trips to the South West and North West of Western Australia.

Michelle and her husband then moved to Dunsborough in 1998 where they raised their two children.

Michelle’s passion and inspiration to paint and capture the beautiful South West region grew stronger and with many annual holidays to the North West and the beautiful coral coast she was inspired to paint much underwater life works.

Michelle is a highly respected artist, with her work being shown nationally and internationally. Michelle’s acrylic on canvas paintings light up the space they are hung in, radiating a happy and colourful feel that will light up your living space.

Please take the time to explore the many pieces of art on this site. If you are interested in a specific painting, please contact us for a referral to the gallery showing the works.